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CHAPTER 3 DISASSEMBLY Section I. CAMERA BODY 3-1. General In so far as possible the cause of the malfunctions should be identified before disassembling the camera. Seldom must a camera be completely taken apart for repair. Disassembly should not be carried further than is necessary to correct the determined malfunction. To do so will disturb other adjustments. The identity, location and position of all parts should be noted as they are removed, and replaced in the same position when reassembling. Many parts are not directly interchangeable but must be fitted individually. All subassemblies can be taken apart, but in many cases it is advisable to replace the entire subassembly rather than to attempt to repair it. An example is the range-viewfinder assembly. This is an intricate mechanism and, if taken apart, would require the use of special collimators for realignment. Components which are riveted, sweated or press fitted should be replaced as assemblies. This is especially true of optical elements which are cemented. 3-2. Baseplate Disassembly (Fig. 22) а. Remove baseplate from camera. б. Remove screw (1). c. Lift off film positioning disc. d. Remove screw (3) and washer (4). e. Lift off locking plate (5) and washers (6. 7 and 8). f. Remove lock stud assembly (11, 12 and 13) with washer (10). g. Remove pin (13) from lock stud (11) and handle (12). 3-3. Hinged Back Disassembly (Fig. 23) a. Remove hinged back from camera by pushing locking pin assembly (7, 8 and 9) to the side. b. Remove actuator (7) with tool 42-253.01-571W1. CAUTION: Hold locking pin with finger when removing actuator. c. Remove 4 screws (1). d. Remove two angle plates (2). e. Disengage pressure plate (3) from spring (4).
3-4. Top Plate Removal and Disassembly (Fig. 21.24) a. Removing Top Plate From Camera Body (fig. 21). (1) Remove body cover (3). (2) Remove two flash socket covers (4). (3) Remove screw ring (6) with tool 42-253.01-36W4. (4) Lift off saddle spring (7), winding lever (8), spacer (9) and counting dial (10). NOTE: Spacer (9) is not on all cameras. (5) Remove felt ring (11). NOTE: Felt ring is glued on top plate. Remove only if damaged. (6) Remove screw (12) with tool 42-582.01-27W1. (7) Remove screw (13) from speed dial (14). (8) Lift off speed dial (14). (9) Remove 4 screws (15) from accessory clip (17). (10) Remove stop screw (16) from accessory clip (17). NOTE: Remove screw only if damaged. (11) Lift off accessory clip (17) with pressure plate (18) and spring (19). (12) Remove screw (20) with tools 42-253.01-494W4 and 42-253.01-80W8. (13) Lift off washer (21) and rewind knob (22) with slotted sleeve (23) and carrier (24). (14) Remove retaining ring (25) with tool 42-253.01-498W2. (15) Remove 2 flash socket cover rings (26) with tool 42-253.01-486W1. (16) Remove 2 flash socket bushings (27) with tool 42-253.01-483W8. (17) Remove 2 locking springs (28). NOTE: Remove springs only if damaged. (18) Remove sealed screw (29). NOTE: Seal must be removed to provide access to screw.
(19) Remove top plate (5). (20) Lift off saddle spring (30), release knob and shaft (31) and release sleeve (32). 6. Disassembly of Top Plate (fig. 24). (1) Remove screw (1). (2) Remove cemented window (2). (3) Remove holding bracket (5). (4) Remove cemented illuminating window (3). (5) Remove cemented window (4). (6) Remove eyelens (6) with tool 42-253.01-36W4. 3 - 5. Range-Viewfinder Assembly Removal and Disassembly (Fig. 25, 26, 27) a. Removing Range-Viewfinder Assembly (fig. 25) (1) Remove 2 screws (2), 2 screws (3) and screw (4). Lift off cover plate (5) and locking bar (6) with spacer (7). NOTE: Spacer (7) is not on all cameras. (2) Remove cover plate (8) with tool 42-253.01-804W2. (3) Remove screw (9) with tool 42-253.01-630W6and washer (10). (4) Remove roller arm (11) with cam (12). (5) Remove stop arm (13). (6) Remove screw (14) with eccentric nut (15) using tool 42-253.01-114W1. (7) Lift range-viewfinder assembly (1) off inner housing. (8) Remove plastic washer (16) and plastic plate (17). (1) Remove cemented light shields (18) and (19), fig. 25. (2) Remove 2 screws (1), fig. 26. and lift out bright-line frame assembly (2). (3) Remove spring (1), fig. 27 and screw (2) with spring (3). (4) Lift glass plate mount (4) with glass plate (6) and metal mask (7) from mask carrier (8). NOTE: Remove windows and eyelens only if damaged.
 b. Partial Disassembly of Range Range-Viewfinder Assembly (fig. 25, 26, 27).