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3-6. Removing Inner Housing from Outer Housing

(Fig. 28)

a. Fully wind delayed action release clockwork by turning delayed action lever counterclockwise.

b. Remove screw (2) and pull off reverse lever (3).

c. Loosen screw (12) with tool 42-253.01-637W5 and push frame selector lever (13) clockwise to uncover screw (4).

d. Remove 4 screws (4).

e. Remove screw (5).and lift inner housing (14) out of outer housing (11). 3-7. Removing Lens Mounting Flange from Outer Housing

(Fig. 39)

a. Remove screw (15) and lift off lens lock (16).

b. Remove 4 screws (22) and lift off flange (23).

c. Remove 4 screws (24) and spring ring (25). 3-8. Disassembly of Inner Housing

a. Removing Main Light Shield (fig. 28).

(1) Remove 2 screws (6) and screw (7).

(2) Lift out main light shield (8).

b. Removal and Partial Disassembly of Delayed Action Release Clockwork (fig. 28, 29).

(1) Remove 2 screws (9), fig. 28 and lift off clockwork mechanism (10).

(2) Unhook spring (1). fig. 29 from stud (23).

(3) Unhook spring (1) from spring carrier (3), and remove spring.

c. Disassembly of Synchronizing Circuit Components (fig. 30, 31). (1) Electronic flash circuit (fig. 30).

(a) Remove screw (17) and lift up terminal frame (18) with grounding plate (24).

(b) Desolder wire (16) from terminal (25), and wire (11) from grounding plate (24).

(c) Desolder wire (16) from long contact spring (3). and wire (11) from guide spring (14).

(d) Lift out metal tube (15) with wires (11) and (16).

(e) Remove nut (12) with tool 42-253.01-338W2. screw (13) and guide spring (14).

(f) Remove 2 screws (1) and lift off insulating plates (2) and (4) and long contact spring (8).

(g) Remove 2 screws (5) and lift off metal plate (6), upper insulating plate (7). insulating shield (8). short contact spring (9), and lower insulating plate (10).

(2) Flash bulb circuit (fig. 30, 31)

(a) Remove screw (17), fig. 30 and lift up terminal frame (18) with grounding plate (24).

NOTE: This paragraph does not apply if the disassembly procedure described in paragraph c(l)(a) above was carried out.

(b) Desolder wire (22) from terminal (29) and from contact spring (21).

(c) Desolder ground wire (9), fig. 31, from bearing plate (8) and from contact arm (29).

(d) Remove 2 screws (19), fig. 30, and lift off insulating plates (20) and (23) and contact spring (21).

(e) Remove screw (26) and spring (27). Lift out synchro adjusting lever (28).

d. Removal and Disassembly of Rewind Assembly (fig. 31).

(1) Remove 2 screws (1), sleeve (2) and bearing assembly (3).

(2) Remove rewind shaft (5) and washer (4) from bearing assembly.

(3) Remove gear (6) from rewind fork (7). with tools 42-253.01-79W4 and 42-253.01-80W8.

e. Removing Slow Speed Escapement (fig. 31).

(1) Remove threaded shaft (14).

(2) Remove spring (15).

(3) Lift out slow speed escapement (16).

f. Removal and Disassembly of Drive Shaft Assembly (fig. 31, 34).

(1) Remove 3 screws (42), fig. 31, and lift off drive shaft assembly (41).

(2) Unhook spring (1), fig. 34, and lift out pawl (2).

(3) Remove screw (3) and spring (1).

(4) Remove C clip (4), spacer washers (5), drive shaft gear (6), ratchet plate (7), washer (8) and spring (9).

(5) Remove carrier sleeve (10), spring (11), carrier disc (12) and washer (13).

(6) Lift out drive shaft (14) and remove ratchet gear (15) from drive shaft bearing plate (16)

g. Removal of Shutter Rearing Plate Assembly (fig. 31).

(1) Remove C clip (10) from shaft (45) and push shaft down to clear bearing plate assembly (8).

(2) Remove screw (11) and sleeve (12).

(3) Remove 2 screws (13) and lift off bearing plate assembly (8).

(a) Removal of components disjoined from shutter bearing plate assembly.

1. Remove washer (17), adjusting lever assembly (20), washer (21) and spacer sleeve (22).

2. Remove spring (23), spacer ring (24), washer (25) and stop lever (26).

3. Remove double stop lever (43) with shaft (45) and spring (44).

h. Removal of Shutter Release Components (fig. 31, 35).

(1) Remove screw (31), fig. 31, holding plate (32), spring (33) and lift out arresting lever B (34) with insulating cap (35).

(2) Remove release shaft (1), fig. 35. and release rod (2).

(3) Remove screws (18) and (19) and flat spring (20).

(4) Remove 2 screws (23), partially pull out intermediate gear shaft (24) and remove intermediate gear (25) and washer (26). Remove intermediate gear shaft and arresting lever A (27) with spring (28).

i. Removal and Disassembly of Take-Up Spool Assembly (fig. 35).

(1) Remove C clip (3), washer (4) and take-up spool assembly.

(2) Remove spacer washer (6).

(3) Remove spring (9) with tool 042-782.001-001ZW2.

(4) Remove screw (7), spring (10), bushing (11) with washer (8), and take-up spool (12).

(5) Remove holding shaft (13) with tools 42-782.001-162W1 and 42-782.001-161WNY, release disc (14) and gear (5).

j. Partial Disassembly of Intermediate Gear Assembly (fig. 35).

(1) CAUTION: Prevent spring from dislodging when removing C clip. Remove C clip (40).

(2) Lift off washer (41), spring (42), locking lever (43), and intermediate gear (44).