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4-4. Shutter Curtain Assembly (Fig. 4-1. 4-2) When replacing shutter curtains, or ribbons, do not disassemble the camera beyond that necessary to make the replacement. a. Replacing Second Shutter Curtain and Ribbons. If both curtains are to be replaced, the Second curtain should be replaced first. Do not remove the complete assembly from the inner housing (par. 3-8* (1) and (2). SECONDCURTAIN GUIDE ROLLER GUIDE ROLLER
 SPRING ROLLER RIBBONS OF SECONDCURTAIN Figure 4-1. Positioning Second Curtain Ribbons. CAUTION: The ribbons of the second curtain replacement should be cut to the same length as the removed curtain ribbons. (1) Thread the ribbons under the guide rollers and under (behind) the second curtain spring roller (fig. 4-1). (2) Glue the ends of the ribbons on the second curtain spring roller. (3) Tension the second curtain spring roller until the metal bar of the first curtain engages the labyrinth of the second curtain. (4) Thread the second shutter curtain under the second curtain roller, and rotate the roller to its released position (holding bar slot on top). (5) Align the slots in the shutter curtain with the holding bar mounting holes. Secure the curtain to the roller by mounting the holding bar (fig. 38).
 VIEW FROM REAR Figure 4-2. Position of Curtain Bar and Labyrinth. (6) Wind the shutter about half-way. The crimped edge of the first curtain bar should extend for approximately 0.7mm outside the second curtain labyrinth, when viewed from the rear (fig. 4-2). (7) Rotate the second curtain roller with the thumb until a narrow slit is visible between the first and second curtain. The edges of the curtains must be parallel to each other. (8) If the edge of the second curtain is not parallel with the first curtain, reglue one of the second curtain ribbons. (9) Wind the shutter, set the shutter speed dial to B . and release the first curtain. Hold the shutter release button in the depressed position. (10) Check the position of the second shutter curtain, using gauge 42-253.01-Z1A92. The edge of the curtain should be between 3.05mm and 3.55mm from the edge of the film apertu (11) If the edge of the second curtain is not within the tolerances in (10) above, reposition the curtain. Loosen the two screws of the holding bar. move the curtain, and retighten the screws. (12) Release the tension of the second curtain spring roller until the ribbons are slack. Allow 12-hours for the glue to dry before retensioning the spring. (13) Retension the second shutter curtain spring roller, and adjust the shutter speeds as described in paragraph 4-8. b. Replacing First Shutter Curtain and Ribbons (fig. 1-2, 36, 38). (1) Lift the metal tube, which carries wires of the synchronizing circuit, and move it slightly to the side. (2) Remove the adjusting bearing (4), fig. 36 of the first curtain spring roller assembly with tool 42-253.01-257W3. (3) Take the spring roller assembly (B-l) from the inner housing, and remove the shutter curtain (19) fig. 38 from the roller. (4) Remove the first shutter curtain ribbons from the ribbon rollers of the main roller assembly (fig. 1-2). (5) Glue the replacement curtain on the first curtain spring roller assembly.
(6) Replace the spring roller assembly, with the curtain, in the inner housing and install the adjusting bearing with tool 42-253.01-257W3. (7) Tension the first curtain roller slightly, and thread the curtain ribbons under the main roller assembly. Bring them around the first curtain ribbon rollers. The ribbons pass underneath (rear side) of the second shutter curtain labyrinth. (8) Glue the ribbons to the first curtain ribbon rollers, and check parallelity of the curtain edges as described in paragraph a (7) above. (9) If the edge of the first curtain is not parallel with the second curtain, reglue one of the first curtain ribbons. (10) Release the tension of the first curtain spring roller until the ribbons are slack. Allow 12-hours for the glue to dry before retensioning the spring. (11) Retension the first shutter curtain spring roller, and adjust the shutter speeds as described in paragraph 4-8. 4-5. Shutter Brake Assembly (Fig. 37, 4-3) a. Checking. (1) Wind the camera shutter, set the shutter speed dial to B , and release the shutter. (2) Grasp the second shutter curtain with the thumb and forefinger, and pull it in the direction of its travel. The curtain should move an additional 0.1mm to 0.5mm. (3) Wind the shutter, set the speed dial to B , and release the first curtain. Hold the shutter release in the depressed position. The edge of the first shutter curtain should be between 1.5mm and 2.5mm beyond the edge of the film aperature. b. Adjusting
 Figure 4-3. Brake Adjusting Screw. (1) If the positions of the curtains do not meet the requirements of (2) and (3) above, reset the adjusting screw (fig. 4-3). (2) If the brake cannot be adjusted by resetting the adjusting screw, correct the tension of spring (2), figure 37. (3) CAUTION: The shutter must be wound before replacing the brake assembly. Replace the brake assembly if it cannot be adjusted by setting the adjusting screw, or correcting the spring tension.