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(3) Checking contact closing (fig. 4-13). Set the selector switch to L , wind the camera shutter, and set the shutter speed dial to B . Depress the shutter release . The indicator lamp must light. Repeat the operation for each of the shutter speeds, noting that the lamp lights each time the shutter is released. If it does not, check the contact points of switches S-l andS-2, and correct the fault.

b. Checking and Adjusting Flash Bulb Synchronization (fig. 4-13, 4-14). Connect the cameras flash lamp socket to test instrument 42-253.01-Z1W109 with connecting cord 42-253.04. Remove the camera hinged back and insert tolerance pattern 42-253.01-Z1A96 in the film aperture. Position the camera lens mounting flange over the test instrument opening.

(1) Depress button (4) on the test instrument.

(2) Wind the shutter, and set the shutter speed dial to 1/1000-second.






Figure 4-14. Flash Bulb Synchronizing Pattern.

(3) Release the shutter, and observe the position of the shutter slit on the pattern plate. The shutter opening should coincide with the wide pattern on the plate (fig. 4-14). If it does not, proceed as follows:

(a) Bend the main contact (S-2). fig. 4-13 with tool 42-253.01 -U443W5.

(b) Repeat the test in (3) above, and readjust the main contact until the shutter slit coincides with the 1/1000-second pattern on the plate.

(4) Depress button (3) on the test instrument.

(5) Wind the shutter, and set the shutter speed dial to 1/60-second.

(6) Release the shutter, and observe the position of the first shutter curtain on the pattern plate. The edge of the shutter should fall within the narrow pattern on the upper part of the plate (fig. 4-14). If it does not. proceed as follows:

(a) Bend the contact arm nose (fig. 4-13) with tool 42-253.01-U443W6. Bending the nose toward the cam increases the delay of contact closing. Bending the nose away from the cam decreases the delay.

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(7) After making a synchronizing adjustment, recheck and adjust alternately between 1/1000-second and 1/60-second until both settings are correct.

c. Checking and Adjusting Electronic Flash Circuit (fig. 4-15). Set the Voltage Selector Switch of test instrument 42-531-Z1W13 to 1,000-volts. Connect the camera electronic flash socket to the test instrument with connecting cord 42-253.04.

(1) Checking insulation. Set the test instrument selector switch to I .

(a) Wind the camera shutter and set the shutter speed dial to B .

(b) Hold the first shutter curtain, preventing it from running off, and depress the shutter release. The meter should not register, and the indicator lamp should not light. Release the first curtain and let it run off.

(c) Wind the camera shutter half-way and depress the shutter release. The meter should not register and the indicator lamp should not light.



Figure -15. Electronic Flash Synchronizing Adjustments.

(d) If current leakage is indicated by tests (b) and (c) above, trace the circuit with test leads 103.25.18. Check for a short in pre-contact switch (S3). fig. 4-15, or a short in main contact switch (S4). Check for faulty insulation.

(2) Checking conductivity. Set the test instrument selector switch to D .

(a) Wind the camera shutter and set the shutter speed dial to B .

(b) Depress the shutter release. The test instrument meter should indicate between 60 and 100. If it does not, check the circuit for poor connections, dirty contact points, or a defective electronic flash socket. Correct the fault.

d. Checking and Adjusting Electronic Flash Synchronization (fig. 4-15, 4-16). Connect the camera electronic flash socket to test instrument 42-253.01-Z1W109 with connecting cord 42-253.04. Remove the camera hinged back and insert tolerance pattern plate 42-253.01-Z1A97 in the film aperture. Position the camera lens mounting flange over the test instrument opening.

(1) Depress button (6) on the test instrument.

(2) Wind the shutter, and set the shutter speed dial to the electronic flash symbol (1/50-second).

(3) Release the shutter while observing the pattern plate. The two rectangles (one on each end of the pattern) must be illuminated. One-half millimeter of the outer edge of the left rectangle must be obscured by the first shutter curtain (fig. 4-16). The rectangle on the right end of the pattern must not be obscured in any degree by the second shutter curtain. If these conditions are not met, proceed as follows:

(a) Adjusting first shutter curtain pattern (fig. 4-15, 4-16). Position the adjusting eccentric (fig. 4-15) with tool 42-253.01-76W2 until 0.5mm of the first curtain shows in the left rectangle of the pattern plate (fig. 4-16).

(b) Adjusting second shutter curtain pattern. Recheck and adjust shutter speeds. Check, and reposition the second shutter curtain, if necessary (par. 4-4).

4-10. Film Transport and Take-Up

(Fig. 4-17, 4-18, 35)

a. Film Transport. The inner housing must be removed from the outer housing in order to perform the following adjustments.

(1) Wind the camera shutter and position gauge 42-253.01-Z1A89 in the film aperture

(fig. 4-17). A tooth of the sprocket wheel must appear through the opening in the gauge arm.