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(5) Place light shield (18) on right of range-viewfinder housing and secure with Duco cement (fig. 25).

(6) Place light shield (19) on rangefinder roof prism housing and secure with Duco cement (fig. 25).

b. Installation (fig. 25).

(1) Position plastic washer (16). and plastic plate (17) on top of inner housing.

(2) Position range-viewfinder assembly on inner housing and secure with 2 screws (2).

(3) Install screw (14) with eccentric nut (15) using tool 42-253.01-114W1.

(4) Place stop arm (13). roller arm (11) with cam (12), and washer (10) on roller arm axle. Secure with screw (9) using tool 42-253.01-630W6-

(5) Install cover plate (8) in light shield with tool 42-253.01-804W2.

(6) Position spacer (7), locking bar (6) and cover plate (5) on bottom of inner housing. Secure with 2 screws (3) and screw (4).

NOTE: Spacer (7) is not required on all cameras.

5-20. Reassembly and Installation of Top Plate

(Fig. 21, 24)

a. Reassembly (fig. 24).

(1) Install eyelens (6) with tool 42-253.01-36W4.

(2) Position window (4), illuminating window (3), and window (2). Secure with adhesive.

(3) Install holding bracket (5).

(4) Install and tighten screw (1).

b. Installation of Top Plate (fig. 2i).

(1) Position release sleeve (32) with release knob (31) and place saddle spring (30) on ratchet wheel.

(2) Place top plate (5) on top of camera body.

(3) Install 2 locking springs (28) in bushings (27).

(4) Install 2 flash socket bushings (27) with tool 42-253.01-483W8.

(5) Install 2 flash socket cover rings (26) with tool 42-253.01-486W1.

(6) Install retaining ring (25} with tool 42-253.01-498W2.

(7) Install slotted sleeve (23), carrier (24), rewind knob (22) and washer (21). Secure with screw (20) using tool 42-253.01-494W4.

(8) Position spring (19), pressure plate (18) and accessory clip (17). Secure with 4 screws (l

(9) Install screw (16) in accessory clip (17).

(10) Position speed dial (14) and secure with screw (13).

(11) Install screw (12) with tool 42-582.01-27W1.

(12) Position felt ring (11) and secure with adhesive.

(13) Engage counting dial (10) with ratchet wheel.

(14) Position spacer (9), winding lever (8), and saddle spring (7). Secure with screw ring (6) using tool 42-253.01-36W4.

(15) Install and tighten screw (29).

5-21. Reassembly and Installation of Hinged Back

(Fig. 23)

a. Engage pressure plate (3) with spring (4) on hinged back (6).

b. Engage 2 angle plates (2) with spring (4) and secure with 4 screws (1).

c. Install spring (9) and locking pin (8). Push in locking pin and secure with actuator (7) using tool 42-253.01-571W1.

d. Push actuator to the side and install hinged back on outer housing. 5-22. Reassembly of Baseplate

(Fig. 22)

Place handle (12) on lock stud (11) and secure with pin (13).

Place washers (8), (7) and (6), and locking plate (5) on lock stud. Place washer (4) on lock stud and secure assembly with screw (3).

Place washer (10) on lock stud assembly (11, 12, 13) and insert in baseplate.

Place film positioning disc (2) on shaft and secure with screw (1).


Before reassembling the exposure meter, clean all switch contacts and inspect components for damage. Parts should fit snugly without forcing.

5-24. Switches and Gear System

(Fig. 41)

a. Position coupling knob (21), with spring, in boring of meter circuit insert (2).

b. Install battery cover and mounting foot (see TM 11-6720-244-12, figure 5-2.)

c. Insert spring (20) in boring of mounting plate (19), and align spring loop with screw hole.

d. Insert shaft of sector gear (18) in center boring of mounting plate (19).

e. Place washer (17) on shaft of sector gear (18), and secure to mounting plate (19) with C clip (16).

f. Position sector gear assembly (15) on meter circuit insert (2), and secure with 2 screws (14).

g. Place nose washer (13), and washer (12) on shaft of coupling knob (21).

h. Place gear (11) on shaft of coupling knob (21). NOTE: Index of coupling knob must align with meter housing index when housing is installed.

i. Place washer (10) on gear (11) and secure with screw (9).

j. Insert battery test switch (1) in slot of meter circuit insert (2), and hook free end of spring (20) to test switch.

k. Place insulating washer (8), and washer (7), on meter circuit insert (2). l. Install switch arm (6), spacer (5), and washer (4). Secure with screw (3). 5-25. Installing Housing (Fig. 40, 41)

a. Mount housing (10), figure 40, on meter circuit insert (13). Align coupling knob index with meter housing index.

b. Position speed dial (6) so as to align B (2-second setting) with the shutter speed index.

c. Mount the exposure meter in the camera accessory clip of the camera, and rotate the coupling knob so as to position the camera shutter speed dial at the electronic flash symbol (1/50-second). The red dot of speed dial (6) must align with the shutter speed index. If it does not, proceed as follows:

(1) Remove housing (10) and disengage gear (11), fig. 41. Rotate the gear 1/4-turn and re-engage.