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Electronic flash fires when connecting cord is inserted in electronic flash socket and shutter is released.

Grounded short contact spring (9) fig. 30

Remove ground. Replace insulation plates (7), (8) and (10) fig. 30 if required

Helical spring (28) fig. 35, disengaged from insulated stop and touching short contact spring (9) fig. 30

Relocate spring against stop

Foreign matter between contacts of precontact switch (3) fig. 4-15

Remove foreign matter

Electronic flash fires erratically.

Intermittent open in electronic flash socket

Repair or replace socket

Intermittent open in electronic flash socket lead (16) fig. 30

Resolder or replace lead

Intermittent contact of precontact switch (3) fig. 4-15 due to foreign matter

Remove foreign matter

Dirty, pitted or burned contacts or precontact switch

(3) or main contact switch

(4) fig. 4-15

Clean switch contacts. Replace switch components if required

Broken or disconnected ground wire (11) fig. 30

Resolder or replace wire

Loose guide spring retaining nut (12) fig. 30

Tighten nut

Insufficient tension of short or long contact springs (9) & (3) fig. 30 in main contact switch

Adjust tension of springs

Short contact spring (9) fig. 30 too far fiom long contact spring (3)

Reset adjusting eccentric

Lower actuating plate of shutter brake does not close contacts of main contact switch (4) fig. 4-15

Readjust, clean and lubricate brake assembly

Scratches on emulsion side

Film tracks rough

Hone tracks

of film.

Curved bracket (38) fig. 35 too high

Readjust or replace bracket

Insufficient tension of compensating friction clutch, fig. 1-2

Adjust tension




Scratches on back of film.

Foreign matter on pressure plate (3) fig. 23

Damaged or scratched pressure plate

Clean pressure plate Replace pressure plate

Image on film unsharp.

Rangefinder out of adjustment

Lens flange-to-focal plane distance incorrect

Lens flange not parallel with film tracks

Readjust rangefinder Adjust distance

Adjust lens flange or film tracks

Rangefinder does not indicate correct distance.

Note: Lens flange-to-focal

plane distance and par parallity must be correctly adjusted before troubleshooting range-finder.

Roller arm, fig. 4-27, out of adjustment

Roller arm, fig. 4-27, bent

Adjust eccentric cam A and eccentric shaft

Straighten roller arm

Rangefinder roller arm does not follow lens focusing cam.

Objective lever tension spring (7) fig. 26 disengaged

Objective lever (13) fig. 26. ballbearing pivots too tight

Re-engage spring

Readjust bearing tension or relubricate

Rangefinder movable image only visible in viewfinder.

Beam splitting prism separated

Replace range-viewfinder assembly

Viewfinder field dark.

Beam-splitting prism, separated

Replace range-viewfinder assembly

Bright-line frames have hair lines.

Glass plates (6) fig. 27, decemented

Replace frame assembly

Bright-line frame does not move or position correctly when lens is mounted on camera or when roller arm or frame selector is actuated.

Glass plate mount spring (3) fig. 27 disengaged

Metal mask spring (1) fig. 27 disengaged

Foreign matter between bright-line frame carrier and glass plate mount (4) fig. 27

Foreign matter between metal mask (7) and glass plate (6) fig. 27

Reengage spring

Reengage spring Remove foreign matter

Remove foreign matter





Needle does not reach test dot

Battery voltage too low

Replace battery

Needle goes beyond test dot

Wrong battery (Voltage too high)

Test resistors have open circuit or changed value

Replace battery Replace test resistors

Sluggish reading

Pivots of movement defective Foreign matter

Replace meter circuit insert Clean

Coupling wheel does not turn

Broken gear

Replace gear

Coupling wheel does not turn speed dial of camera

Broken coupling pin

Replace pin

No reading

Exhausted battery Open circuit in coil assembly Short in coil assembly Bad switch contact

Replace battery

Replace meter circuit insert

Removing short

Clean and repair switch

Erratic reading

Bad contact of release button

Bad contact of battery test switch

Tension of contact spring too soft

Clean and repair release button contact

Clean and repair test switch contact

Tension springs

Needle does not reach zero or calibration point


Readjust with adjusting screw

If adjustment not possible replace CdS cell

Malfunctioning of a photo-resistor exposure meter may be divided into three categories; mechanical, electrical, or fatigue of the CdS cell.

a. Mechanical malfunctions are generally obvious, and a careful examination of the meter will usually reveal the cause.

b. Electrical malfunctions require tracing the circuit with a multi-meter, checking resistors, and contacts.

c. The cadmium sulphide photo-resistor is adversely affected by prolonged exposure to an intense source of light. Its memory may result in incorrect or erratic meter readings. If the CdS cell is a suspected source of trouble, the meter should be protected from light for a period of 12-hours before checking the circuit electrically.

d. Troubleshooting Chart.