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E. Testing the Model 636 Camera The procedures which follow are set up with detailed instructions in one column and a summary of the instructions in a second column. Once you have become familiar with the testing procedures, reference to the summary should be all that is necessary to test the cameras. 1. Pre-Test Procedures Before beginning the testing, check all connections between the Tester and the Star horn, and the oscilloscope (if being used). Check the AC line connections. Clear the area around the Tester to be certain there is sufficient air flow for proper cooling of the electronics. Turn the Tester ON and observe that the power-on lamp is illuminated. 2. Order of Tests It is very important that the Model 636 Camera tests be done in this order: 1. Flash Timing 2. Ambient Exposure 3. Strobe Exposure (Graywall) 4. ZLS Output * * Not necessary if Strobe Exposure is correct.
3. Model 636 Camera Test Procedures (in the order in which they should be performed). Model 636 Flash Timing This test determines if the proper infrared sensing is accomplished during a strobe exposure. The time between shutter blades being 95% fully open and strobe fire is measured and displayed in milliseconds. NOTE: This procedure assumes the Tester is ON and the Camera is on the horn, against the Tester. DETAILED TEST PROCEDURE 1. Turn the Selector Knob in the middle of the panel to 640 FLASH TIMING. 2. Press the S10 button only to charge the electronic flash. Do not fire the flash. 3. Press the tester RESET button. 4. Cover the photocell and press S1 to make an ambient exposure. Ignore the readings. 5. Cover the photocell and press Sl/S10 to take a flash exposure. Record the reading shown on the Timing meter and compare it to the specification. 6. Repeat steps 2, 3, 4 and 5 two more times to insure accurate readings. 7. If the readings are not within the specifications, refer to the Adjustments section. SUMMARY 1. Selector to 640 Flash Timing. 2. Press S10 to charge flash. 3. Press Reset. 4. Cover cell, press S1 for ambient exposure. Ignore readings. 5. Cover cell, press S1/S10 for flash exposure. Record reading on Timing Meter. Compare to spec. 6. Repeat 2, 3, 4 & 5 two more times 7. If readings are out-of-spec, see Adjustments
Model 636 Ambient Exposure This test measures the energy on the film plane during an ambient exposure. The Tester provides a constant 100 candles/square foot scene brightness. NOTE: The following procedure assumes the Tester is on and the camera is installed on the horn in front of the Tester light source. DETAILED TEST PROCEDURE 1. Turn the Selector Knob in the middle of the panel to Ambient 600. (Be certain the close-up lens is not in position.) 2. With the photocell uncovered, press S1 only to take an ambient exposure. 3. When the exposure is made, record the reading shown on the Stops Error meter. Compare the reading to the specification. 4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 two more times to insure accurate readings. 5. If the reading is not in specification, refer to the Adjustments section. SUMMARY 1. Selector to Ambient 600. (No close-up lens setting.) 2. Cell uncovered, press S1 for ambient exposure. 3. Record reading on Stops Error meter. Compare to spec. 4. Repeat 2 & 3 two more times. 5. If reading is out-of-spec, see Adjustments.