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A. B-600 Tester functions, controls & indicators

The B-600 testing system is used to check exposure and timing-related parameters on 600 line cameras. The electronics unit (Fig. 1) houses the circuits needed to set the parameters and to display test results. The Model B light source provides the light levels required for ambient exposure measurements.

The chart below shows the function of each of the controls and indicators on the electronics unit. Following the chart are the pretest and test procedures. Note that the test procedures are set up with detailed instructions in the left column and a summary in the right column. Once you have become familiar with the test procedures, occasional reference to the summary should be all that is necessary to properly test 636 cameras.


1 Power Switch ON/OFF Switch: provides line voltage to Tester

A built-in lamp lights when the switch is ON.

2 Camera Current Meter Provides readout of camera DC current during a

camera cycle.

3 Test Selector Switch Used to select the various test modes.

4 Stops Error Meter Provides digital readout of test results.

(Reading is in stops error.)

5 Normal/Midcycle Switch Provides for a complete cycle or midcycle of a camera

on the horn.

Provides the electronic interface between the B-600 horn and the electronics unit.

Provides a visual check of blade bounce error in Model 610/620 cameras.

Provides electronic interface between Strobe/ Flash Detector connector Flash Detectors and the electronics unit.

Sets the electronics unit either for normal testing of 600 line cameras or for calibration of the electronics in conjunction with a special calibration test box.

Used to clear the electronics when a camera is installed on the horn.

Used to select exposure or aperture test mode.

Provides connection for power paddles, allowing the tester to be used like a power supply.

Allows switching of electronics for testing cameras on horn or with separate power paddle.

6 Horn Connector

7 BB Error LED

8 Strobe Detector/

9 Calibrate/Test Switch

10 Manual Reset Button

11 Mode Switch

12 Pack Simulator Connection

13 Horn/Pack Simulator Switch

Fig. 1 Model B-600 Tester and Model B Light Source

B. Model 636 Camera Testing

1. 636 Camera Test Specifications



Flash Timing Aperture

-.02 to +.07

Flash Exposure

-.15 to -.55

Ambient Exposure

+.10 to -.30

2. Pretest Procedures

Before performing any of the tests below, examine the B-600 testing system. Check the electrical connections between the electronic unit, the light source and the horn to be sure they are properly made. Turn the electronics unit and the light source ON and observe that the Power-On lamps light. On a regular basis, check the equipment to be sure nothing blocks the exhaust vents on the light source.

All of the testing procedures below assume that the test equipment is ON and is in good working order.

In the procedures which follow, whenever reference is made to a particular control or indicator, you may assume that the location is on the B-600 Electronics Unit. If it is not, the procedure will indicate where the control or indicator is located. Also, unless otherwise indicated, the Horn/Pack Simulator switch should be at HORN; the CAL/Test switch should be at TEST; the Norm/Midcycle switch should be at NORM.

One other word. You must remember that every time you install the camera on the horn, you must press the MANUAL RESET button on the electronics unit to be certain that the electronic circuitry is cleared for the particular test you are doing. This applies even in the middle of a procedure where the camera must be removed from the horn and then re-installed. REMEMBER - PRESS THE MANUAL RESET BUTTON WHEN YOU PLACE THE CAMERA ON THE HORN!