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1. Turn the test selector switch to


2. Flip the MODE switch to APERTURE.

3. Plug the strobe/flash detector fixture #12790 into the B-600 jack as shown in Figure 2. Install the strobe detector clip over the camera strobe.

4. Set the light source selector to 100 cd/sq ft.

5. Install the door pawl closure #12082 in the camera and set the camera on the horn. (RESET) Align the camera in front of the light source.

6. Cover the camera photocell with finger and press S10/S1 until strobe fires.

7. When strobe fires, record reading shown on Relative Error in Stops meter. Compare the reading to the specification.

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 two more times to insure accurate reading.

9. If reading is not within specification, refer to Adjustments.


1. Selector to FT and BB APERTURE.

2. Mode switch to APERTURE.

3. Plug in strobe/flash detector. Install detector clip on camera.

4. Light source to 100 cd/sq. ft.

5. Install door pawl closure. Set camera on horn in front of light source.

6. Cover photocell, fire strobe.

7. Compare reading to spec.

8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 twice

9. If out of spec, see Adjustments.

Model 636 Flash Timing Aperture The purpose of this test is to measure blade aperture at the point of flash fire.

Fig. 2 Camera on Horn, ready for testing

Model 636 Flash Exposure This test measures the resultant energy on the film plane during a flash exposure equivalent to a 4.5 ft graywall exposure.

NOTE: The following procedure assumes the camera is on the horn.


1. Set the camera L/D control to its mid-point setting.

2. Turn the test selector switch to 640 FLASH EXPOSURE

3. Flip the mode switch to EXPOSURE.

4. Orient the camera on the horn so it is exactly 4.5 ft from a graywall.

5. With photocell uncovered, press S10/S1 to take a flash exposure.

6. When strobe fires, record reading shown on Relative Error in Stops meter Compare reading to the specification.

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 two more times to insure accurate reading.

8. If reading is not within specification, refer to Adjustments.


1. Camera L/D to mid-point

2. Selector to 640 FLASH


3. Mode switch to EXPOSURE

4. Camera 4.5 ft from graywall

5. Take flash exposure.

6. Compare reading to spec.

7. Repeat 5 & 6 twice

8. If out of spec, see Adjustments.